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Importance of power plant water


Water is an indispensable substance in the industrial sector. Due to different industrial sectors, the requirements for water quality are also different. In thermal power plants, due to high requirements for water quality, water needs to be purified.

 There are two main sources of water for power plants: surface water and groundwater.

 The water flowing or resting on the land surface is mainly the water of rivers, lakes, reservoirs and oceans. The river basin is wide, the water body is open, the water quality is easily affected by the natural boundary conditions, and there are many suspended solids and colloidal impurities. The salt content and hardness are low, and the disadvantage is that they are easily polluted by industrial wastewater, domestic sewage and other man-made pollution. The water in lakes and reservoirs is supplied by rivers and precipitation. The water flow is low, the storage time is long, the transparency is high, and there are many algae organisms in the water, which make the aquatic products color, smell, and taste. The water source is rich in nutrients, and the salt content is high. Groundwater exists in the soil and rock strata below the earth's surface and is formed by seepage with rainwater and surface water through the strata. Through the filtration of soil and gravel, the content of suspended solids and colloids is low. However, when flowing through the rock stratum, there are more soluble substances and higher salt content. The water quality is less affected by the outside world and is relatively stable. It is the main water source of the power plant.

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