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Influence of water quality on food


1. The influence of the chromaticity and turbidity of water on food: chromaticity and turbidity are the most basic indicators for testing water quality. If the chromaticity and turbidity exceed the standard, it will lead to food precipitation, difficulty in carbonation, easy to produce gushing and product color change.

 2. Effect of peculiar smell in water on food: This factor is relatively simple. Due to physical or chemical factors, many water itself has peculiar smell, which is easy to affect the flavor of food.

 3. The impact of water hardness on food: hard water contains more calcium and magnesium ions, which will produce carbonate precipitation during heating. When the hardness is too high, it will cause discoloration, turbidity, precipitation, flavor change, reduced water retention (meat), hardening (meat, bean products) and other problems.

4. The influence of water alkalinity on food: too high alkalinity will lead to the decline of flavor, precipitation, which is not conducive to CO2 saturation, and the amount of acid agent will increase. When there is a fermentation process, too high alkalinity is not conducive to the growth of yeast.

 In addition, the pH value of water, organic matter, heavy metals, microorganisms and other impurities will also have a certain impact on food processing.

上一篇: 下一篇:Importance of power plant water
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